To check yourself or another player into a UDisc League, follow the steps below!

  1. From the League details page under Next Steps, tap Check In and select your division (if applicable). Note that some leagues do not have divisions.

    1. If you’ve checked yourself into a League on accident, tap Cancel to remove yourself. 

  2. To check in someone else, tap the Players button below the event details.

    1. You can search by their name or username in the top "Username or name" search bar.

    2. Three sliders represent a set of filters, which you can use to narrow down your search by checked in status, people you've played with, or division. 

    3. If they already have a UDisc account, tap the Add player button and search for the player by username, email, or PDGA number. Please note: a free trial or expired account works perfectly fine to participate in UDisc Leagues and Events. An account is required.

3. Once checked in, you can then proceed to Start round.

If you have any questions after reviewing this information, please email us at

For more tips from your fellow league players, check out the UDisc Forum here: Landing Zone.