Players can now register for your event on UDisc directly! To allow this, you must turn on UDisc registration via your Event Manage Tools

1. In your Event Manage Tools, select the Registration tab. 

2. Click Yes next to I will be using UDisc to register players, enter a date and time for registration open and closing, and click SaveIf you're using pre-registration for a singles or BYOP event, then you can also enable players to select their own card groupings for the first round; learn more in this dedicated article

3. Review your Check in settings. Selecting Yes means that participants can check in from the app, while No means that only admin can check in players. You can also require registration under Is registration required? Selecting Yes - every time means that players would need to register, not just check in, in order to play.

*Please note, if players are creating their own scorecards, then Yes must remain checked here. To revisit your card creation settings, head to the Scoring tab.

4. Specify if registration should be restricted to a certain number of players. This can be an overall number, or specified per division. 

5. Set the cost of registration to be displayed. This can be set as the same for all players or specified by division. (Please note, at this time UDisc is unable to collect payment, but you can mark players as Paid from the Players tab of your Event Tools.)

6. Multiple entries (re-entry). Select the option that works best for you! Selecting Yes means that participants can re-play the event a set number of times (e.g., 2, 3, to infinity), versus No means they can only play the event one time. More about this here.

Once registration has been enabled, players will have the option to register for your event directly from

If you need any further assistance, please contact

For more tips from your fellow event directors, check out the UDisc Forum here: Landing Zone.