If the par listed for a specific path on your Smart Layout appears incorrect, there are a couple of options for adjusting this. 

If you wish to adjust the par of a path on all layouts, you can do so in the Map Manager tab of your course tools.

  1. Go to the Map Manager tab of your course tools.

  2. Click on the path that needs to be updated.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Adjust the Par field.

  5. Click Save.

Once you have done this for all of the paths that need to be updated, you will want to Review and Submit Changes in the upper right-hand corner. Once those changes have been approved, you should see the updated pars on all of your layouts.

If you wish to change the par for just one layout that uses that path, you can do so from the Layouts tab of your course tools.

  1. Go to the Layouts tab of your course tools.

  2. Click Edit on the layout you wish to change.

  3. Go to the hole you wish to adjust, and click on Override this par.

  4. Enter the par you wish to use and save.

  5. Submit the layout.

Once the layout update has been approved, you will see the new par showing for that hole.

If you need any assistance with this, or have questions or concerns, please contact us at help@udisc.com.

For help from fellow ambassadors, take a look at our Community Forum here.