To update an existing League event, follow the steps below.

  1. Head to your League Tools at or by tapping More → Dashboard in the app.

  2. Once here, tap into Events, select the event you’d like to update, and tap the Edit icon.

  3. In the edit page you have the options to:

  • Edit the Event Name

  • Edit the Description*

  • Change the Start Date, Start Time, and End Time

  • Change the Start format*

  • Change the Play Format*

  • Turn on/off Scorecard Statistics

  • Edit the Course

  • Edit the Layout

  • Add or edit the Scorecard Message

  • Add or edit Divisions

  • Edit Optional extras

  • Delete your event as needed

*required fields

4. Once you’ve edited all properties, scroll to the bottom of the page and tap Update Event or for recurring events tap Update Only This Event or Update This and Following EventsRecurring eventSingle day event

Please note, the course and layout selections are locked starting at 12am the night before your event. Please make sure to make edits to these fields at least 24 hours before your League event!

If you have any questions after reviewing this information, please email us at

For more tips from your fellow league directors, check out the UDisc Forum here: Landing Zone.