Once you have set up your event to use UDisc Scoring, created rounds, and all players have registered or been added, you will be able to create and manage scorecards.
To create scorecards for singles events
*Looking for teams events card manage instead? Check out this article.
1. Select the Cards tab on the left side of the screen.
2. Choose the Round you want to create cards for.
3. Click Edit Rules to choose how you want cards to be generated for your event.
Select the start format, number of players per card, the starting holes you wish to use, how many minutes between cards (tee times only), the order divisions will play in, if different divisions should play on the same card or not, and if you want players randomly assigned, or if you would prefer to manually arrange cards.
4. Click Save to put these rules in place for your event.
5. Review your rules, and if everything looks correct, Generate Cards.
6. Verify that cards have been created correctly and match the rules you want for your event, then Publish round. (You can simply publish the round, or you can elect to also send a notification to all players when publishing the round).
7. You can alternatively publish specific cards (and un-publish specific cards) via the Cards tab. Un-publishing a specific card is also an action under the three dots menu for cards on the admin Leaderboard page. This can be helpful if you need to change the starting hole or tee time. You don't need to un-publish the card if you're just changing the players on the card.