When tapping to reposition or delete a tee, target, or fairway you may receive a warning notifying you that stats may be reset. This warning is in place to notify you that any movements to (or deletion of) this element will affect the following:

  • Can reset the layout difficulty, especially if you receive this warning multiple times or are repositioning or deleting many elements

  • Can prevent players from receiving a rating on any layouts that include these elements, until new play data is accumulated

  • **If an element is being deleted, it will reset fairway data in the Statistics portion of your Course Tools including, AVG, PLAY COUNT, and STD DEV

If you are repositioning an element (e.g. tee pad or basket) beyond 10m (30 ft) you'll be asked to provide a reason for this change. This lets the UDisc Team know whether it's appropriate to reset associated stats.

Similarly, when deleting a tee pad, basket, or fairway you'll be notified of any stats that will be reset and will be asked for the specific reason for deleting the element. 

Some of the main reasons you may want to proceed despite this warning could include:

  • To correct an inaccurately placed tee, target, or fairway

  • If a tee, target, or fairway was physically moved but only by a short distance (e.g. 30 ft or less)

  • If a tee, target, or fairway was removed from the course permanently

  • If a tee, target, or fairway never really existed on the course, or was incorrectly added to Map Manager

  • If a tee, target, or fairway was accidentally duplicated (e.g., stacked tee pads or baskets)

If you have any questions, contact us at help@udisc.com.

Want more assistance or tips from fellow Course Ambassadors? Check out the UDisc Landing Zone here!