What does a wheelchair accessible course look like?
Modified on: Wed, 7 Aug, 2024 at 3:13 PM
Do you or your fellow disc golfers play with mobility limitations? Perhaps you use a wheelchair or a cane to navigate the course. We've add three new symbols making their debut within the Course Directory and we're here to break them down for you!

Wheelchair accessible
Courses with this designation have been assessed and comply with wheelchair accessible standards for at least most or all holes. (Please see additional notes within the Course listing for specifics on hole accessibility).
Courses marked with this symbol have met the following standards:
Tee pads are level with the ground - There's no significant lip to get onto the tee pad.
Baskets are a standard height
Fairway terrain is smooth, and solid - The path is free of large tree roots, rocks, sand, gravel, and tall grass that extends from the tee to the target, and from hole to hole.
Elevation change is minimal - Very little elevation change throughout the course, and ramps are provided as an option instead of stairs.
Accessible parking - At least one spot is available close to the course.
Highly Suggested but not mandatory:
Accessible restrooms
Rest areas
Limited mobility/cane accessible
This symbol indicates a course may have some accessibility features, but it is not fully wheelchair accessible.
Elevation change is minimal - Very little elevation change throughout the course.
Clear fairways and paths - Paths are free of large roots and rocks.
Highly Suggested:
Rest areas - There is a bench or table to rest every few holes.

Not easily accessible for players with mobility limitations
This disc golf course is not recommended for individuals with limited mobility.
Why are these distinctions important?
"All things for all people" as my kinder teacher used to tell us! This sentiment continues to apply throughout all facets of life so it makes sense that it apply to disc golf courses as well. It is important for us to be able to easily distinguish courses and holes that are available to players with limited mobility. Providing these categories for Course Ambassadors to mark and space to add additional details will make finding accessible courses easier. We hope that bringing awareness to these details that make a course wheelchair accessible versus cane accessible versus not accessible will aid in the development of more courses that fall into these accessible categories.
I want to make my course more accessible, where do I begin?
Woot Woot! We knew you'd be excited about this, too! Creating a course that is accessible doesn't have to be difficult. It starts with a plan and succeeds with attention to detail! Things to think about when planning for an accessible course:
Is there a parking spot designated for wheelchair users?
Are tee pads flush with the ground?
Are pathways clear of roots, gravel, and debris?
Is the grass kept at or below an inch in height?
Are there benches and safe areas to rest every few holes?
What sort of elevation is there throughout the course?
Is there someone in your community with limited mobility that would be willing to collaborate?
Please feel free to reach out to ambassadors@udisc.com if you're unsure about how best to update your course in the Map Manager, refer to the Course Ambassador Tools help articles.
Have additional questions? Please reach out to us at help@udisc.com and we'll help however we can.
For more tips from your fellow disc golfers, check out the UDisc Forum here: Landing Zone.
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