How can I set Starting Scores (handicaps) for leagues or events?
Modified on: Wed, 7 Aug, 2024 at 10:48 AM
Starting scores can be used for a level field of competition with players of varying skill levels all disc golfing on the same layout.
How can I set starting scores?
Tapping on Adjust scores and penalties will open up a score editor modal, which allows you to change starting scores, adjust hole scores if needed, and add penalties for the player. For example, a beginner could start with a score of -17 to give them a fighting chance:
How can players set their own starting scores?
In leagues and events where players can create their own scorecards, the person who creates the card can also enter starting scores. After selecting which players are in the card grouping, scrolling down on the next page reveals some Customize your round options, including Starting scores:
How are starting scores displayed on the leaderboard?
When at least one player has a starting score, you'll see an ADJ column (adjustment) on the leaderboard which displays the starting score adjustment for each player. This is visible on both the admin leaderboard view, and on the public-facing leaderboard.
Starting scores for casual rounds
For more tips from your fellow league directors, check out the UDisc Forum here: Landing Zone.
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