You can now create and run private events using UDisc! 

If you wish to run an invitation only or private event, and keep score on UDisc, simply follow the below steps to set up your event. 

When adding your event at, after entering your event name and description, you can set the visibility to Private. You can also convert a public event to private via the General tab of your event admin tools.

What is a private event?

Private events will not be visible on the course page or other areas that public events are listed. In order to locate the event a player will need to search for it by exact name. (If only part of the event name is typed out, the event will not auto-populate. The full name must be used.)

How will players find my private event?

In order to help players find the event, be sure to share the complete event name, or pass along a direct link to the event by using the Share button or Quick Link. Private custom league events will still display on your league home page in the Schedule tab.

Can I still use UDisc Event tools?

Private events will still support the use of all UDisc Events tools, including registration, scoring, and live leaderboards. In order to participate in any event on UDisc, a UDisc account is required. However, the free version works great and anyone can sign up at A subscription to UDisc Pro is not necessary.

Can I create a private league?

Private leagues are not yet supported. However, if you have a league and would like to run an associated private event, that is now possible. Simply create a custom event, or convert your event to a custom event, then in the General tab of the event tools change the visibility to private. This event will display in the Schedule tab on your league home page.

For more tips from your fellow event directors, check out the UDisc Forum here: Landing Zone.

As always, never hesitate to contact us at if there is anything else we can do to help.