UDisc Leagues - Player Guide
Modified on: Wed, 7 Aug, 2024 at 10:52 AM
Browse the sections below to get familiar with what to expect before your next league event!
Why UDisc Leagues?
UDisc Leagues are a great way to simplify scoring for your leagues and weeklies. There's no need to use paper scorecards, no risk of math errors when totaling your scores, and with real-time scoring updates, you'll know if you need to go for the birdie on hole 18 to shoot the hot round. Best of all, UDisc Leagues is totally free! Participating players will just need a UDisc account (no UDisc Pro subscription required).
Live Scorecards sync scores to every player's phone, and anyone in the group can keep score on their own device at any time. Handing off scorekeeper duties has never been easier!
General Tips
Update UDisc to the latest app version. Make sure you show up to the course with the most recently updated version of UDisc. Open your app store and search for UDisc and make sure there are no pending updates (you'll see a red dot on the More tab if an update is needed). We're constantly pushing updates to improve the league experience, so it's important you keep your UDisc app up to date.
Pro Tip: turn on automatic updates for UDisc in your app store to always get the latest version.
Find the League in the UDisc app, under the Events tab. Events are sorted by how close they are to your location, so most of the time your league will be on the very top. You can also use filters to sort by event type, tags (e.g., glow, women/girl friendly), etc. Tap on the league or search for the name of the league if you don't see it. Then, tap the Check In button. Still need some help? Check out this dedicated article.

If requested, enter your full first and last name during the check-in. It's important to use your real name so people viewing the leaderboard know who you are.
Check In For Someone Else
If a player forgets their smartphone, it's easy for anyone else to check them in. If you've already checked yourself in and want to check in for a cardmate, you can hit Start round, then tap Search and check in other players. From the Add new player screen you can then find a player by username or PDGA# or search by "People I've played with" which will pull players you've played with recently whether at league or casually.

Alternatively, tap the Players button from the event page. Search for a player by name in the search bar or use the filters to filter results by player status (e.g., checked in), people you've played with, and division. This is the best way to check in other players who aren't on your card.

Start the round
At least one person in each group must keep score in UDisc. This ensures that every player is accounted for on the UDisc leaderboard, and greatly reduces the time it takes your league director to tally scores.
Once the round is started, everyone in your group will get a notification. Everyone can keep score or follow along in real-time on their own device. This makes scoring much faster, allows players who want to track full stats to do this themselves, and even allows people at home to follow along live with the leaderboard or a specific card.
Add or Remove Players from Scorecards
Do not create a new scorecard!

This option is only possible for singles events, not teams events. If you've forgotten to add a player to a teams card, delete and re-create the scorecard for everyone.
View Live Scores

If you want to view live scores from a computer or share the live leaderboard with friends, tap the share button on top of the scorecard to share just the card you're playing on. Alternatively, tap the Leaderboard button, then tap the blue Share button to send the full leaderboard link to friends or post on social media. They can also visit https://udisc.com/events to find your league and follow along.
If you have any questions about your league, please reach out to your league director.
For more tips from your fellow league players, check out the UDisc Forum here: Landing Zone.
As always, feel free to reach out to help@udisc.com with any questions about your account or the UDisc App.
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