Adding a new course to UDisc's Course Directory can be done at or in the app by going to More -> Add New Course. Note that if the course is already in UDisc's directory but is missing a layout (i.e. Gold Tees, Long Baskets, etc.), you need to submit a new layout instead of a new course. This article explains the process of adding a new layout.
Adding a new course requires providing a variety of information about the course. The process to add a course is broken up into five sections:
1. General
Give 'em the basics!
What is the Course named? Where is it located? This is where you have free space to write a Headline and a Description; jot down the first thing you want players to know about the course. (Pro Tip: This is your chance to talk up your course! Take a minute and tell us what makes your course stand out!)
2. Availability
The people want to know when they can expect to play your course!
Does your course have dedicated and/or permanently installed disc golf targets? We're talking about baskets, tone poles, or other targets specifically installed for disc golf. Or do you have a BYOB* situation going on?
Maybe the course is a work in progress; here is where you can let them know it's still Under Construction. And finally, indicate if the course is currently available to play, when it's normally available, and if there are any restrictions to these selections.
*(BYOB = Bring your own baskets)
3. Access
Is any old NoodleArm allowed to play here or are there some pre-requisites?
Indicating who can play the course is going to help determine how this course shows within the Course Directory. Marking Everyone with no availability restrictions will make the course visible on the Course Directory map. A Limited Access selection will highlight any restrictions on the Courses tab. And Invite Only courses will be hidden on the course map and searchable by complete course name if you choose to hide location.
This section provides the opportunity to indicate any costs associated with playing and/or parking. Also available is a space to provide contact information if your course criteria requires prior notice before playing.
Once you've indicated who can access the course, tell us how accessible it is! Will those players that use a wheelchair be able to navigate your course? How about people who use canes or have limited mobility? Learn more about what a wheelchair accessible course looks like here.
*To list a course as "Public" it must have at least 3 permanently installed disc golf targets.
4. Details