Are you wondering if it’s worth your time to convert your Classic Layouts to Smart Layouts? Here are some of the benefits available to you once you convert.

Course and layout difficulty - Smart Layouts are required for layout difficulty to be calculated and displayed in the app. You can learn more about that here!

Improved course statistics - Classic Layouts do not provide hole-by-hole statistics for your course. Once your Classic Layouts are converted to Smart Layouts, you can see individual hole stats on the ‘Statistics’ tab of your Course Tools.

No need to map each layout as it’s created - Smart Layouts are designed to automatically sync to the elements on your Map Manager. This means anytime a new layout is needed (i.e. an event layout that plays a combination of different tees), you can easily create a new Smart Layout and simply select the tees and targets you want to use. Since they already exist on the Map Manager, you won’t need to walk the course and create a new map.

Allows users to change tee or target positions while playing - If a user wants to play a variation that doesn’t exist as a public layout, they can do so on their personal scorecard while using a Smart Layout. For example, if they select the ‘Silver’ layout, but on hole 4, they prefer to play to the ‘Blue’ basket, they can simply change the target on that specific hole. This will automatically adjust the par on their scorecard if applicable, and it will keep the hole score stats separated appropriately.

This also works in situations where a target has changed positions, but has not yet been updated on the Map Manager. If a player arrives at the course and finds the Smart Layout is currently set to play to the ‘Short’ baskets, but the baskets have moved to the ‘Long’ position, they can change the target position on their own scorecard.

Why does my layout say Difficulty Pending? 

This just means your new Smart Layout does not yet have a layout difficulty. Now that your layout has been converted to a Smart Layout, once it has been played enough times by different players it will show a layout difficulty here and be able to produce round ratings for players. You can learn more about that in this dedicated article!

Why should I convert my Classic Layout instead of just creating a new Smart Layout? 

By converting your Classic Layouts to Smart Layouts, you are able to keep all existing scorecards and play counts connected. If you create a new Smart Layout instead, all plays and scorecards on this new Smart Layout will be separated from the existing Classic Layout. 

If you need any further assistance, please contact

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