If your Smart Layouts keep deactivating, you'll likely notice a Needs attention flag on the layout sidebar and within the layout details. Below are a few areas to check if you're not sure why the layout is inactive!

Start by going to the Layouts tab in your course tools, click on the Smart Layout you are having trouble with, and click "Edit." Scroll down through the hole information and look for errors.

  • Inactive fairways:  If you notice the message "The fairway for these options is inactive," this means that the tee and target combination you have chosen is not active in Map Manager. To fix this, head to Map Manager and make sure the tees, targets, and fairways are all active.

  • Blank fields: If there are any boxes left blank, fill in the appropriate information, and "Submit Layout" at the bottom of the page. This typically is a result of tees, targets, and fairways being deleted from Map Manager. If you made changes to Map Manager recently, make sure to check your layouts to ensure they're still active.

  • Check your targets: When setting up your Smart Layouts, it's recommended to always select target type rather than target position. If the target position is selected and that target is set to "inactive" in Map Manager, your layout will deactivate. 
    Instead if you select the target type, any time your basket moves to a new position the Smart Layout will automatically adjust to the new fairway, and continue to be playable and active. This article has some more information to ensure your Smart Layouts are set up correctly.

Once you have updated your Smart Layouts, you can then make sure that each target type is         currently set to the correct position. This can be done via the "Quick Targets" tab of your Course Tools.

You can learn more about using Quick Targets in this dedicated article.

If you need any further assistance or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at help@udisc.com.